New Creative Project

I’ve started a new creative endeavour: a video game which is at this time named Solaire. I’ve been working on it pretty heavily for the last week, and anticipate to have it done in about a month or so.

The premise of the game is to have you draw a space ship and have it explore/battle through space, with everything taking on the appearance of being hand drawn. Rewards come in the form of ink, which you can then use to draw more stuff on your ship.

I’m coding this using HTML5 and Javascript. The same stuff websites are made of. What this means is that this game will work on Windows, OS X, Linux, or even an iPad. As long as the device has a browser that follows standards, it can play this. You can access the source code here.

It’s been interesting to take this on. The existing graphical facilities in HTML5 are very rudimentary, with few primitives (which doesn’t include circles) and text placing capabilities. I had to write a very limited game engine so that I could go from that to something with menus and user-interaction which animates at 100 frames per second. I love doing this kind of stuff though.

Expect more news once I get closer to completion.


One response to “New Creative Project”

  1. […] for Solaire is progressing well. I’m on track to have it finished by the end of the month. Since the last […]