Gotta Love SCO….

A year ago, SCO made the news by their then-latest undertaking against Open Source:

SCO Goes to Washington
SCO earlier this month sent a letter to the 535 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate from company President and CEO Darl McBride, raising concerns about open-source software and its General Public License (GPL), the company confirmed on Wednesday…

…”I urge you to consider the other side because I believe that Open Source, as it is currently constituted, is a slippery slope,” McBride wrote to legislators. “It undermines our basic system of intellectual property rights, and it destroys the economic reason for innovation.”…


Guess what SCO put in their latest memo to their partners?

Part 1 — An Introduction to Squid
(Part 2 will appear in next month’s issue of SCO Partner News)

Looking for faster web browsing and reduced internet traffic? Then take a look at Squid, available from SCO Skunkware and 5.0.7 Maintenance Pack 3. Described on the Squid home page,, as “a full-featured web proxy cache”, Squid can answer many concerns companies have when their employees are using the internet…


What is SCO so happening to be praising?
An Open-Source GPL-liscenced entity.

This is SCO people: a company whose entire platform relies on spreading misinformation and lies when they see fit. Then hypocritically completely reverting their stances on a need-by-need basis. In the same letter, SCO also praised their position on the Google Top Search Lists of 2004… though its a good thing they didn’t tell their investors exactly why.