Music Industry to Sue Red Cross?

In a nice touch of “do what we say or we’ll sue you”, the music industry had this to say to the Red Cross:

Michael Speck of Australia’s Music Industry Piracy Investigations said: “We’re preparing our approach to the International Red Cross. I believe this whole thing will come as a complete surprise to them, and we’re only approaching them to stop them disposing of any funds.”

Speck expressed his hope that the Red Cross would co-operate, adding: “It would be incredibly disappointing if we had to sue them.”


What are they referring to? Sharman Networks, the people who back the international VoIP telephony service “Skype” as well as the original KazAa donated money to the Red Cross. However, Sharman Networks also happen to be embroiled in a legal case in Australian courts against the Music Industry. Not liking this donation, the Music Industry (or more accurately the Recording Associations representing the Industry) decided to threaten… the Red Cross.

Now THAT’s what I call good PR!