Change in Shopping Philosophy.

I’ve changed my shopping philosophy, and have in the process began boycotting certain stores. Whereas previously my shopping destination depended on who had the lowest prices, it now depends on who pays their employees better. I mostly base this upon the pay of the frontend retail staff, as manufacturers get payed the same reguardless.

For instance, instead of shopping at Staples which offers their employees minimum wage, I opt for retailers like Futureshop which provide much better pay. Better yet are local businesses.

I don’t really lose money by not shopping at places like “Walmart” and “Staples”, despite the fact that they force their employees to tell you of their “lowest prices”. Its an illusion; maybe a quasi justification to for them to cheap out as much as they can at every turn, and offer their workers the lowest amount legally allowed.

One cannot realistically live on minimum wage, and its my disgust with such practices that cause me to make this move.


One response to “Change in Shopping Philosophy.”

  1. Gibran Avatar

    I totally agree with you. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to boycott the retailers. It’s their ideals, let them be.