Piracy film? Wha?

What’s been going on with the piracy film?

Well, the project itself began in May; after EYNTO was completed. Off the bat, I created a logo and the idea lingered for a while. Then I spent my free time at work creating rough outlines; some of which then permeated to this blog here.

At one point, I went to the university library and collected every piece of information on filesharing, the RIAA, and statistics I could. Gathered 200 odd pages on the issue; if not more. For the most part that information was useless; sparked with a few gems here and there. Read through all briefly; some more meticulously.

On a second batch of information gathering, I went to news sites. Slashdot and the Inquirer in particular; as they cater to the non-spoonfed media information I was seeking. Google News was also a great asset. I had an outline, and all the information to back it.

I also got in contact with a few people I had wanted to interview for the film. I wanted them to espouse their views on the issue as well.

Now the biggest hurdle wasn’t what I was going to say – it was how it was going to be said. This is a delicate subject! And yet there’s so much I want to cover. The approach is key to whether this is an interesting documentary, or a narrowly focused piece of $%@#.

Script-wise, I’ve done the first few pages over and over and over, writing on paper, trying to find the right approach. It’s all crap, apart from the introduction. So I moved on to the laptop today, and decided to just bang on it after trying a new approach I came up with at 4AM a few nights ago.

And this is where I’m at right now. 3 pages into the new script. I’m covering the RIAA right now, and have no clue how I’m going to tie in the MPAA, the BSA, the pirate underground, whilst still covering the topics of collateral and so forth. For the sake of streamlining, I’ve jettisonned alot of what I was originally going to discuss.

Expect no more updates. The rest is going to be underwraps until the script is done and I’m ready to film. Will it be done for October 2005, the original release date? Hard to say.