The story of Paul

I met Paul when I was working selling boat tickets years ago. He was given a hard time by other staffers, so I immediately liked him. He was an oddball, and I thought that was cool. I became his friend.

However, our friendship was plagued with frustrations. We’d plan to go out for a beer, and he wouldn’t show up. I would call up his house; his parents would tell me he had forgotten that he was working at McDonald’s. When Paul would eventually meet me, he would invent tales of what happened. His maternal grandmother died more than once. He would lie to me time after time – only to be caught in it. On the times he would show up, he was always 15-30 minutes late. Always.

Sometimes during our outings would claim to go to the bathroom – only to disappear for half an hour. He would never apologize or say anything about it. He always wanted me to spend 1.5 hours busing to his home or a pub minutes from his house, rather than meeting half-way somewhere. This despite the fact that he had access to a car, while I did not. By car, the trek was only 15-20 minutes.

By the end, I just didn’t have it in me to continue the friendship. So I stopped answering his calls. And that’s when it started. At first, he would call me from his home. Almost every day. Realizing that I was screening his calls, he would call me from the McDonald’s he works at. He’s 25 now, has a double degree, but lives with his parents and works at McDonald’s.

So I get it – he’s got other issues. But nonetheless, I had had enough. Suddenly, the calls stopped. But at the same time, I started getting calls from an unknown number. The person would stay on the line, usually for 8-10 seconds and then hang up. I got especially pissed off when the person called at 3AM. I always suspected it was Paul, but I couldn’t confirm it. He never spoke a word.

Finally today, I was looking through my phone records with WIND Mobile. They had switched their billing from showing the Caller ID, which was being shown as “Unknown”, to the ANI, the Caller ID-like service telephone companies use for billing purposes. Unlike Caller ID, ANI cannot be blocked. So I finally got to see who was calling me all these times.

It was Paul. He was blocking outbound Caller ID all this time, probably by pressing *67 before making the calls to me. The display on my phone didn’t show the number for him, but my billing record does.

For your pleasure, here’s the logs from the last month. Keep in mind, this has been going on for months. I called WIND Mobile, but they said the only thing I could do was to change my number. I’ll have to call Paul, and tell him to stop. If that fails, I’ll have to switch numbers.

The Phone Calls from Paul:

14 Sep 10:03 PM 613232XXXX Outgoing He picks up the phone and hangs up.
14 Sep 10:02 PM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 4 seconds.
13 Sep 07:48 AM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 2 seconds.
12 Sep 12:11 PM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 2 seconds.
07 Sep 07:59 AM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 2 seconds.
07 Sep 07:58 AM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 2 seconds.
07 Sep 07:58 AM 613232XXXX Incoming Missed Call.
06 Sep 05:11 PM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 5 seconds.
03 Sep 07:18 PM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 6 seconds.
03 Sep 07:13 PM 613232XXXX Incoming He hangs up after 24 seconds.
31 Aug 06:20 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 9 seconds.
30 Aug 07:22 AM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 7 seconds.
29 Aug 04:36 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 6 seconds.
29 Aug 04:22 PM Unknown Incoming Missed Call.
29 Aug 04:14 PM Unknown Incoming Missed Call.
29 Aug 03:23 PM Unknown Incoming Missed Call.
21 Aug 09:59 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 3 seconds.
21 Aug 09:46 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 4 seconds.
21 Aug 09:42 PM Unknown Incoming Missed Call.
21 Aug 09:28 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 27 seconds.
18 Aug 03:23 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 5 seconds.
17 Aug 07:51 AM Unknown Incoming Missed Call.
15 Aug 02:55 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 8 seconds.
14 Aug 02:17 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 44 seconds.
9 Aug 04:16 PM Unknown Incoming He hangs up after 11 seconds.
9 Aug 08:00 AM Unknown Incoming Missed Call.

Call log updated on September 14th.


9 responses to “The story of Paul”

  1. Thanks to my powers of cyber stalk, I know where he lives and I will show up at his home. If that fails I will show up at his workplace.

    If that fails, I will inform the police and they will go to his home and tell him to stop.

    That is how I roll.

  2. Julien McArdle Avatar
    Julien McArdle

    Showing up at his home could be misconstrued, especially if any verbal disagreement takes place. Consequently showing up at his work place would definitively be taken the wrong way.

    I’d rather just call him back the next time he does this. He’ll know that the game is up, and that I know that he’s been the one calling me.

  3. I won’t leave room for disagreement. I will say my piece and leave.

    His calling is harassment, not a game. I’m not going to treat it politely.

  4. Erm…Paul Paul?

  5. Julien McArdle Avatar
    Julien McArdle

    Paul Paul.

  6. That’s really, really creepy, Julien.

    Let me know if you want to discuss civil/criminal remedies if it becomes necessary. Our boys on the second floor (being the litigation floor) don’t play around…

  7. […] I shared the story of Paul, and how he doesn’t stop calling me – only to listen silently and hang up 8-10 […]

  8. Julien McArdle Avatar
    Julien McArdle

    Thanks Tina. He called again late tonight. This time I phoned back his house. He picked up the phone and hung up. I called a second time, and it went to voice mail. I left a message asking him to stop.

    Hopefully now he realizes that he’s no longer anonymous, and that this will push him to end this.