Life is good

We don't own a cat. I just thought this picture was adorable and Christmas-y.

In the last month:

  • Jay & I moved. Our new home is downtown, minutes away from where all the action happens. The bus routes here are great, and yet despite its central location, it’s quiet as can be. We’re no longer surrounded by neighbours who have their subwoofers on max at 3AM! No more old ladies that glare at you when you come home! No having to take a taxi to get home on Sundays because bus service stopped for our part of town! A big thanks to our friends & family who helped us move: Jeremy, JT Alfons, Eric, Max, Chaiya, Brad, and Jay’s parents.
  • I joined a gym. I’ve been going three times a week for three weeks now. While I weigh more now than ever before, or so at least I suspect, I feel much better. I have more energy now. Every time I come out of that gym, I just feel so great.
  • I got out of my burn out. I had a burn out because of work. This was work related to my trip to South Africa. In any case, work got to me. I had a sit down with my boss, and we were able to resolve the issue. As a consequence, things are much better at work now.
  • I decided to resume work on the Botnet movie starting January 1st. I stopped working on Botnet when I was in the burnout. I just had no will to do it, despite a great support network including DJ IDE, who kept doing his best to make this happen. The new plan is to shoot every weekend until it’s done.
  • JT Alfons finished his book, Surrogate Stars. Which means he is now fully free to be the lead on Botnet. Selfish me! :p
  • Befuddler (link) is a success. At least, if you were to define success by how many download sites it has spread to (link). I’m sure most of that spreading is automated, but don’t burst my bubble. :p In the “that’s random” category, someone in Japan talked about Rice Tea (link).
  • It’s winter and Christmas will be here in less than 9 days. Need I say more?

That’s all for now. And again: A big thank you to everyone who helped Jay and I move!


3 responses to “Life is good”

  1. JT Alfons (Author, Surrogate Stars) Avatar
    JT Alfons (Author, Surrogate Stars)

    Thanks for the plug! Surrogate Stars is something that everyone – especially the readers of this blog – should check out. The first print run has proven to be a smashing success and I look forward to posting the book for sale early in the new year. For the latest, become a fan of J.T. Alfons on Facebook or follow me on Twitter – @SurrogateStars.

    Self-promotion aside, congrats on having the courage to make those changes in your life. So many of us wallow in misery, waiting for someone else to fix our problems for us. You should be proud of yourself for taking responsibility for your own happiness.

    Can’t wait for the Botnet shoot to start!

  2. I see your Christmas cat and raise you an elf Corgi!

    And thank you to everyone for helping, house warming party as soon as I buy us a couch!