Second Semester

I’m half-way through my first month of this second semester. I thought things would start off slowly, but nope! This semester is proving very busy.

I have five classes: two math courses, two geology courses, and one physics. That’s 24 hours of class time every week with the lectures, labs, and DGDs. I also spend 20 hours at work every week. Then I have four assignments due each week, and one lab every two weeks. In short: lots of twelve hour days (or more.)

Still I’m trying to find time to do things outside. Usually it means dropping in to the pride center for an hour, or watching half a documentary with the women’s resource center. I’ve also been able to devote a few hours to some minor creativity (if you consider programming a creative endeavour, which I do.)

The holidays were great. I got to finish reading a book for pleasure, was recipient to very touching gestures, and got to spend quality time with good people.

To conclude, here are some pretty pictures I took in one of my classes. Rocks under microscopes.


2 responses to “Second Semester”

  1. Jeremy Avatar

    Cool pics man!

  2. Ovaltine Avatar

    Stay healthy !! You will, with determination and persistance get through this Marathon !! Love photo # 2