I had laser eye surgery two days ago, one month after my vaginoplasty. I had Intralase SBK (Sub-Bowman’s Keratomileusis) done. So now I’m doing post-operative care for two surgeries. When it rains.
The procedure to correct my vision was quick and painless. There wasn’t even any discomfort. I wish though I would have known that ahead of time, because the machines looked very intimidating and I was trembling in fear. That shaking knocked off the suction device they put on your eye twice and audibly frustrated the doctor. They gave me 1mg of Ativan before the procedure, but it might as well have been a placebo. It wasn’t at all like the vaginoplasty where whatever drugs they gave me kept me very calm despite being operated on while conscious.
I had the laser eye procedure at 1pm. It was done in minutes. A few hours later, my eyes were constantly watering and it was hard to keep them open. I could see, but my vision was blurry. Also, my sinuses were acting up as if I had had a terrible cold. I also had to put eye drops every two hours, including through the night. Come the next morning, all that had stopped. I could see far better than I had without glasses, though I had difficulty focusing on things closer to me. It’s as if my eyes were shaking in minute oscillations, making it difficult to see things sharply.
In the follow up appointment the next day, the ophthalmologist told me the blurriness was expected, it was a product of swelling inside the eye as a result of the laser. The hemorrhaging on the surface of my eye was also normal, a product of the suction device that had been put on during surgery.

All in all, I’m very pleased with the outcome of this surgery so far. Even if this were to be it, and my vision weren’t to improve over the course of the next week as it’s expected to do, it would be fine. It’s amazing not to need glasses that tint the world and constantly need cleaning, to gain peripheral vision, to gain my sense depth.
How glad I am that I got the courage to do this. In other news, I finally stopped bleeding from my vaginoplasty yesterday! I also wore jeans for the first time yesterday, and I can sit on hard surfaces like wooden chairs now without too much pain. Progress!
One response to “Laser eye surgery”
So help me if you posted this with your adaptive phone set up I put together for you I will poke you in your new eyes! 😛