
Well, I tried Gentoo’s new experimental LiveCD. Its a fun variation – it now provides a fully functional X environment this time; as well as a GUI installer. The CD-based distro was pretty awesome – pretty much all hardware was recognized out of the box.

The installer though, left me amiss. I tried it, set it all up. I was informed within 0.5 second of me pressing the final “Install” button that the installation had failed. That in itself wasn’t bad. That is up until I went to the partitioning bit again, and noticed that this failed install also managed to wipe out my MBR. [The plan was to dual boot between Windows and Gentoo.]

Thus, my Windows install, and everything on my machine was wiped out. The good news? I did a full system backup 2 weeks ago, so I haven’t lost all that much. No lost school work or games to worry about either. So overall I’m quite happy.

I tried the distro 5 days ago, but with work only had time to fix my computer today (4 days of 12 hour shifts). Thus why I haven’t been online recently.