Note: I will only keep to Twitter handles and screenshots of public Twitter posts.
Starting last year, anti-trans stickers began appearing all over Ottawa. It was the work of a small group linked to the new wave of anti-trans organizations in Canada that co-opt women’s rights language to argue that gender diverse people are a scourge to society. After a brief pause, the sticker campaign has resumed, this time capturing a bit of media attention. Neither article covered who was doing this.
There’s evidence that the individuals associated with the following Twitter accounts either put up the transphobic stickers or know who has:
- @MrsDrBee
- @Mason134211f
- @Karrie__2019
- @StellaDoves
- @lakefemme (defunct)
- @radicaldata
- @argeliapeagui
- @_CryMiaRiver
They all follow each other as well as accounts on Twitter devoted to purging trans people from society, accounts representing organizations who sell these stickers to raise funds, so it tracks. Among the groups they source stickers from are Cawsbar and Women Matter, the latter’s innocuous name being a ruse:

There’s at least fifteen who show up to anti-trans demonstrations in Ottawa and it makes sense that the number who put up stickers would be comparable.
I’m not going to go into the dog whistles here that they use in their campaigns; I’ve covered so many in previous articles. I’ll just say that they’re trying to frame trans rights as being at odds with women’s rights and present the inclusion of gender diverse people as being at the expense of cis women and children. They believe trans women are perverted delusional men; much as their antecedents believed gay women to be perverted delusional straight women. They claim not to be transphobic, and merely standing up for (cis) women, but their track record of defacing posters supporting trans people, opposing basic human protections for gender identity and gender expression, supporting conversion therapy, opposing gender affirming care, and being laser-focused on disparaging trans people while disregarding actual issues faced by cis women, reveals the charade for what it is. This isn’t about lifting women up; it’s about putting gender non-conforming people down, especially trans women.
Their messaging on these stickers is so obscure that really the only people impacted are trans women in Ottawa, who in addition to all the shit we’ve faced, know what this is about and have to put up with yet another reminder that people want us wiped from the planet. I know its only a handful of people responsible for putting up these bigoted messages everywhere, but truthfully this still adds to my anxiety when I access gendered spaces in this city. What if the person who sees me wash my hands is one of them? And makes a scene? And that’s what they want: for people like me to be scared. For people like me to “stay in our lane”, be out of sight, or better yet – not exist at all.
Some proof of potential involvement. I believe some phrases such as “spotted outside” or “spotted in” may be at times used for plausible deniability:

15 responses to “Who is posting anti-trans stickers around Ottawa?”
Thank you for the list of interesting Twitter handles of people who can both celebrate the acceptance of transgender people and at the same time stand up for the rights and needs of female-born women and girls.
Hmmm. How did you miss that those people do NOT celebrate the acceptance of transgender people in the slightest? And that cis-gendered women’s rights aren’t impacted in anyway by the acceptance of transgender people?
You might want to practise your reading comprehension skills.
How would you know the subtle ways that the uber-acceptance of ‘men as women’ affects the everyday lives of women? The gratuitous accolades laden on hyper-feminized, highly surgically altered men in magazine layouts, e.g., SI, Vanity Fair, Vogue, tell us that we can deny women as real, worthy, a sex class, by being born male, just seek authenticity through the scalpel, estradiol, implants. Your lack of comprehension of the rights at stake is appalling.
It is my solemn duty to flit about the internet, telling people the correct way to think about things, which just so happens to be the way I think about things. This is especially true when it comes to blogs written by people I don’t know, for people I don’t know. After all, if I don’t do it, who will? Being right is such a burden.
It was me!
Canadian women are gathering 😁this makes me happy.
I like to comment on strangers’ blogs about issues that don’t remotely affect me because I’m one of the most privileged humans that has ever existed, and everyone needs to hear my opinion whether they want to or not.
These stickers have valid concerns that should addressed for the rights of women, children and the same sex attracted. Stop villianizing people and participate in actual discourse.
I like using buzzwords to make myself sound intelligent and reasonable while invading someone else’s space and forcing them to deal with my opinion, because mine is just that crucial to society’s well-being. The world would literally implode without my internet commentary. Am I a hero? That’s not for me to say.
Thank you for this wonderful list. Now I’m going to follow and support all of them.
Oh, and yes: trans “women” are perverted delusional men.
I’m a fierce, brave, warrior, but it’s not enough to just BE a fierce, brave, warrior – I simply HAVE to tell the world about it! Hear me roARRRRR! I’m definitely not insecure about any of my life choices.
I can neither confirm nor deny that I live in Ottawa. I do however stand up for women’s sex-based rights, children’s right to grow up in one piece and LGB’s rights to be same sex attracted.
As a cis-gendered woman, I can assure you that women’s rights aren’t being affected in anyway, and that trans rights mean children FINALLY have the right to grow up as who they know themselves to be. As for LGB’s rights to be same sex attracted – can you not hear how silly you sound even saying that?
I like to add an aura of mystery to my boring and hackneyed statements in an attempt to make myself sound profound. I may not have anything original or interesting to say, but if you think that’s going to stop me from saying it, you don’t know ME.
That’s me in the photos! Ha. That’s awesome. Thanks for posting about me.
Maëlys Note: provided email address was the fake “”, which I believe articulates how the person actually feels.