A month ago, I spent two weeks in France with my dad. We spent time in Paris, Nice, Marseilles, with day trips to Monte Carlo, Cannes and Èze.

This was my third time in the country, but the first time outside of Paris. French as spoken by French-Canadians is difficult for people in France to understand, to the point that my last times there they switched to English. Annoyed by this habit, I decided to alter how I spoke to approximate Metropolitain French. Twice I heard people remark that I was Belgian and never once switched to English, a win.
The intent of the trip was to live well and relax. We checked out Versailles, where we were evacuated due to a bomb threat. We went to the casino in Monte Carlo, and ate a great meal at the Salon Rose. I took a train to Èze, and climbed up the Nietzsche path, and visited the medieval village on its summit. I took another train to Cannes, where I had a glass of wine by the beach. I got to try socca, pissaladière, bouillabaisse and a salade niçoise for the first time. Delicious pastries and downtime abound. I heard the name Maëlys twice in the wild, and got a bracelet with my name on it.
Getting around was really easy; the train system (SNCF) has an app where I could buy tickets minutes ahead of a departure, and public transit similarly had apps that made it trivial. I also used Uber a number of times.
My only regret is not having checked out Antibes. If you come this way though, do visit Èze.