“30 Gig iPod” Paradigm

Here’s an interesting thought experiment:

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians out there own MP3 Players that can hold 30GB or more of music. Given the apparent need for these companies to create 80GB models, it should be assumed that 30GB is simply not enough to store all the music that many of these consumers apparently possess.

And yet, how many students can afford 30GB of music? In my completely faulty math, that’s about 30,000 minutes of music. Now let’s say that each song is on average 5 minutes (we’re being generous), that’s 6,000 songs. At $1 each (again, very generous), that’s $6,000 of music. Even over a period of multiple years, no University (much less High-School) student can afford to pay that much for something like that.

They have more music than is legally permissible. Bad thing? Good thing? Economist: Baaad.