
  • October 21st Shoot

    This was a long one.

    The pre-shoot was from 10AM-2PM. From 2:30PM-8:30PM was the actual shoot. Somewhere in there was supper, which I bought for the remaining crew.

    The pre-shoot was broken down into two stages: the planning phase, which is where I organize what gets shot when, and the setup phase, where I get props made and sets readied up. For today, I turned a corner of my basement into a callcenter cubicle. As seen through the camera lens, I’d say the intended effect was achieved.

    It was a small crew today: the lead, two main supporting actors, three extras, and my mom. I got tons done today, to the point that I’d say were now 80% done with the shoots. It was simply incredible. The shoot was originally scheduled for yesterday, but rain was in the forecast – so I delayed it. And what a payoff: today it was clear skies, and a full 22*C. A full ten degrees warmer than what we’d expect for this time of the year. Heck it’s almost November, and yet it felt like a day in August.

    But none of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for my mom. She drove me out to Value Village, to get a series of props. She drove me downtown. She brought a very large, bulky, prop I needed too. She got two critical extras I needed. She figured out how to store the said bulky prop when we needed to store it. She pretty much single-handedly created the callcenter/interview-room sets I used today. She drove us all to my place for an additional shoot. She is always there during a shoot, seeing what she can do to help.

    She is incredible. She is my mom.

    My step-dad has been the same way with the earlier shoots: bringing me and my stuff down, getting coffee and doughnuts for the staff during those early morning shoots we used to have, waiting there to help. Incredible people, and I’m really fortunate to have them.

    If it wasn’t for them, this movie wouldn’t exist. Simple as that.

  • More shoots coming, Opera > Firefox…

    Well, after taking a weekend sabatical, I’m back at it. There’s a major shoot happening this Sunday, then perhaps one or two the following Monday. Those three operations should conclude the major shoots.

    Then we’re down to the in-house interviews, a sequence with our main character while he’s in a dreamworld, and a few other small sequences.

    As a thank you to all the volunteers that have spent their time on this project, I’m throwing a “thank you kegger.” That’s happening two Fridays from now. Free beer and pizza for all those who helped me out; $10 for everyone else. Hey, who said I was without business sense.

    And on that note: I’m launching my own, original, Internet startup. It’ll target an important demographic, so I fancy that *if* it gets big that it’ll be a good source of advertising revenue. Or perhaps it won’t get big at all, and I’m just pulling a Nortel circa 1999. Either way, I think it’s a sound idea, and I’ll let you know more about it as soon as it’s fully ready.

    In other news, the Opera browser rocks. You see, my main machine is not a powerhouse computer – it’s a ten year old 300MHz laptop, with a 6GB hard drive and 128MB RAM. But I love it to bits. It runs WindowsXP Pro (tweaked to operate damn smoothly), and it’s here where I do all my writing, surfing, etc. In fact, I’m writing you this from the said laptop.

    But with websites getting all fancy, web surfing performance for this poor laptop was beginning to suffer. Especially with Firefox. Well, I’ve since switched to Opera… and all I can say is: wow.

    First off, performance is incomparable. However, it’s more than just that. Opera does a number of things which I like… such as tab preview (Vista-style), automatic image resampling, a useful ‘blank’ page when opening new tabs, mouse gesture navigation (ie. using the mouse as a wand, with motions dictating certain commands [back, reload, etc.]) It also has it’s own built-in flash player. Sure, Firefox offers all of this with plugins… but why wait? Esp. since the default download for Opera is smaller than Firefox.

    /me waits for hate mail from the Firefox camp.

  • The *new*!

    I’ve owned the “” domain name for about a year or so now. However, it always just pointed to my personal website of Wanting something a tad more professional, I finally decided to go ahead and create a specific website for the domain. I made this decision few months ago, and tried various simple CMS’. However, it wasn’t up until a month ago where I found a platform that worked.


    And that platform was the WordPress theme by the name of Blueprint. Needing but a few modificiations, it now works beautifully. Though it would work much better if WordPress didn’t sanitize the raw code I dumped in when I’m in “Code” mode. In any case, you can see the new website for yourself too, by going to:

  • What’s been going on…

    Hey guys, I thought it would be a good time to give you a bit of an overview with the current film being worked on – Docks.

    Docks first began last year, when a co-worker (Rob) and I hooked up and started to think up ideas for a comedy. We took elements from the day-to-day experiences we were already having, twisted them a bit, and included it in this mashup of ideas. We were planning to shoot the film last fall, but progress was moving far too slow, and it all ultimately got canned.

    Resolved to finish the film, both I and Rob continued the process of thinking up ideas. I started to write the screenplay. However, time issues really started to get in Rob’s way, and he dropped out.

    I continued on. I finished the script. I ordered the microphone. The T-Shirts. Everything needed to make this a reality. Cancelling the project was not an option for me. I had already invested $1,000 at this point in equipment for the film.

    So, in the beginning of September, I began to organize the shoot times. The first shoot took place about a month ago, on September 15th. Ever since then, with the exception of this week, there’s been at least one shoot a week.

    I have to say that the people I’m working with are all absolutely fantastic. It hasn’t been easy, and there’s been a number of complications along the way, but these people have really made all the difference.

    So this is where we’re at. More shoots need to be done, and they have to be done before November. I expect that I should have a movie by Christmas, and a DVD by mid/late January 2008.

  • A day at work… in pictures.

    I’m a captain by trade. Today was spent taking the boats through the Rideau Canal (UNESCO World Heritage Site.. w00t!) for an eight hour journey.

    Being late for work, I had to jump on my ship at the nearby locks instead of the regular docks:


    Other ships going up through the locks:


    Me driving:


    …through the locks:


    …following another of our ships:
