I work in the service industry. In other words: I deal with the general public. I’m not in an office where it’s the same people everyday, presumably with some level of common sense. No, I get to deal with all types.
I’ve been in the service industry ever since my first “real” job at the age of 15. Whether it’s being a ticketseller, being a computer sales associate, or being a tour guide – and over that time, I’ve dealt with some pretty nasty folk.
For instance, one guy a few weeks ago railed on my boss on my boss’ apparent inadequate French skills. He then came to me, to rail about something else. Getting weary of putting up with his crap, I gave him a choice – get on our boat, or get a refund. He wasn’t pleased. Lo and behold, a few days later he sent that same boss (he was unaware of my boss’ status) a nasty letter about me. Essentially, making up shit that I didn’t do as to get me fired. It failed.
Today, my roomate got spit on by a customer. He works in the deli department of a big chain grocery store. The man didn’t believe the price of the meat he was buying. So he spit on my friend. My friend calmly walked away.
Had it been me, I would of been over the counter in a heartbeat. Had it been another captain I work with, the guy would of been on the ground with a black eye. That’s the one downside of the service industry. You deal with a bunch of good, honest, people… but then you have to deal with all the fucktards too.