
  • Film Editing on Hold

    Leave to work from home @ 8:30AM, get back home from work at 8:30PM.

    Plus I have to work 7 days straight this week, it looks like. With days like that, its pretty much near impossible to do any editing. Things should ease off soon though (maybe in a week.)

  • Reception to Piracy Doc, Donations.

    The reception to the “On Piracy” documentary has been positive, even though the audio is absolute crap. This is very good, and makes me quite happy.

    To encourage donations, I’ve decided to put the following announcement up:

    Anyone who donates $10 or more before May 15th, will have their name appear in the end credits of the *final* release of the documentary. Everyone who has donated up to now already has their name on there.

    Thanks again to all! 🙂

  • Update…

    1 hour left until the WMV is uploaded.

    Working on rendering the XViD now, I estimate there’s 4 hours left for it to finish. That does not include the 5 hours it takes to upload the file to my server. Which should you download? Well, the XViD has the better quality video and smaller filesize, but I might not have a chance to get it ready until tomorrow night.

    I’m also going to upload the movie to Google Video, once its done.

  • And in the nick of time!

    I just called my job up.

    Starting tomorrow, 9AM, I’ll be painting/sanding/fixing up for the company.

    Thank god this movie is over now. Had this project taken any longer, it would have been delayed by weeks due to a sheer lack of time.

  • Good News, Bad News on Rendering.

    Good News: The rendering is done. Complete.

    Bad News: 800MB for a 320×240 WMV file? WTF!

    The Plan: Upload this WMV for now, but am working on making a ~700MB XViD.