
  • More Shoots.

    I did more film shooting. One at The Sony Store, one at local CD shop. The Sony Store shoot had really bad lighting; and since I’m broke I can’t afford to bring any in. Therefore, its up to my editing abilities to boost up the lighting in the shot.

    Click to view full size image

    You can click to enlarge. The Sony Store interview was yesterday. Today it was all about getting some more stock footage inside a CD shop, as my earlier attempt did not provide enough stable footage (2 minutes in all.) This time round I collected 12 minutes worth of shots. I have an interview tomorrow with a sweet band, and one Saturday with a magazine editor on Linux affairs.

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  • Looking for a Music Economist.

    I have either settled, or am in the process of settling, interviews with my final interviewees. However, I’m still missing a music economist. Someone to act as a centerpoint for the views of two opposing sides in the documentary.

    Would anyone know of such a person that resides in either Ottawa, Toronto, or Montreal?

  • Quick Video for you All!

    For my tourism class, our team is supposed to complete a 10 minute presentation on a fictional destination of our choice. We went the extra mile, however, and decided to include a video to show the class. It’s pretty funny.

    Download Here:
    Mirror [18MB, WMV]

    Host: Eric Rooen
    Voice of Host: Julien McArdle
    People in Background: Julien, Jon, Eric
    Video Editing/Sound: Julien McArdle

  • 2 More interviews down…

    I’ve completed 2 more interviews. One with Dr. Ian Kerr, who has a seat in the Canada Research Chair in Ethics, Law & Technology. The other was with Chris Sibbitt, a coder with experience in Bittorrent indexing website.

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  • Went out and interviewed people on the streets!

    Today, I went out for three hours interviewing youths on their downloading habits, and their thoughts on the issue as a whole.

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    I also collected statistics on the amount of people that refused to be interviewed and so forth. (See below.)

    *** STATISTICS ***
    Number of people I asked: 202
    Number of people that said no: 167
    Number of people that said yes: 29
    Number of people that just ignored me: 9

    Number of interviews lost due to the fact that I forgot to press the ‘record’ button: 1