
  • Updated the Website.

    I’ve updated the website backend. WordPress has been upgraded to version 2.0, and I replaced the Invisionboard Forums with the Open-Source k4BB [].

    The biggest thing I’ve noticed with the move to WordPress 2.0 is the WYSIWYG editor. Finally – no need for lots of HTML coding if I want something to look a certain way. It also features a few nifty graphical updates. The transition was extremely painless – you write over the old files with the new install, and use a certain special upgrade PHP page. That’s it. I’m also planning to do a few tweaks to the Mambo frontend. Namely adding an RSS feed for the forums.

    Update: Ran into serious issues with k4BB, and will have to reinstall it. Looks like the db got corrupted. Meanwhile, I’m back to the old software.

    Update – Feb 21: Fixed WordPress bug. You can now post comments again!

  • Third Interviews.

    Went to Montreal to interview the CMPDA. It was shorter than expected – once there, and once the initial opening questions were addressed, there really wasn’t much to talk about. Part of it had to do with the confusion of the CMPDAs Anti-Piracy Division’s role in things, part of it had to do with the fact that alot of the topics were already covered by other interviewees.

    That said, it was a good interview; and Serge Corriveau (guy in charge of antipiracy division) was a good speaker. On a side note: MONTREAL/BROSSARD WAS FOOKIN COLD. It was at least -25°C.

  • Second Interviews.

    Today I interviewed CHUO and Michael Geist. Both interviews went great.

    I’d especially like to thank Erin Flynn, the CHUO station manager, for taking extra time to give me an impromptu tour of the studio. It’s more footage for the film, and very much appreciated.

    As I do these interviews, I’ve come to notice how working spaces are defined by their inhabitants. In the office of the CRIA president, he had all these serious posters and whatnot, but hidden among them was that one picture of Buffy. Michael Geist’s office had more texts crammed in it than most libraries… all manner of interesting books on copyright reforms, the DMCA, posters about. It’s a sharp contrast from the slick office of the CRIA, but not necessarily better or worse. Simply different. That variety, and the fact that people differ so, is quite a wonderful thing.

    Tomorrow I’ll be in Montreal, filming the CMPDA.

    In other news, I’ve lost about 80% of my hearing. Got it checked out, and I’m now on meds for the next 10 days.

  • CN Tower.

    There’s one part of the documentary where the reporter travels to Toronto to do interviews (see last blog entry). Well, to introduce Toronto as a city, I decided to do a 10 second montage to the sound of 50s rocks. Overeall, I have about an hour’s worth of city sights and busy intersections.

    All of the shots were taken from public locations, with the exception of two places: the CN Tower (took shots of Toronto skyline), and the TTC (shots of a subway car arriving). When I was at the CN Tower, I filled out some forms that let me take footage under the condition that the company that operates the tower was named in the credits.

    Well, I just got an email today from the CN Tower’s company. Upon review, they do not want to let me use what would end up being 3 seconds worth of skyline footage. It would seem that they would refuse all shots that do not explicitly promote the CN Tower as a tourist spot.

    I’m dissapointed at this turn of events. It’s no big hurdle really – again I have tons of other footage of the city; but it would have been nice to have had that high-altitude perspective. However, I fail to see their logic in refusing for me to use footage of the city I shot from their premises. Common sense these days. Well, it’ll give me more stuff to talk about in the director’s commentary 😀

  • First Interviews.

    Well the first interviews are done (CRIA, Cineplex Odeon). I needed to do the CRIA first since its standpoint really defined what topics would be touched when interviewing the rest of the folks on this documentary.

    The CRIA’s president is a Graham Henderson, a former lawyer for music artists. He was a very charismatic and well-informed bloke. You could mention any issue pertaining to music these days, and he was right on top of it.

    It was quite refreshing to see someone that genuinely cared so much about the topic at hand.

    Cineplex Odeon’s VP of Communications was also an interesting character. That interview went quite well, despite the fact that one of the microphones failed to work correctly when I was testing it during set up. I switched mics, and all went well.

    This trip to Toronto all told cost me about $240. I have to buy another lapelle mic, which is another $60. Financially, this documentary will be the end of me. I can’t approach external funding because of the lack of a solid schedule. That said, I’ll see what I can do afterwards.

    The movie should be released early-mid-April. I have another interview today (Ottawa Anime), one on Thursday (CHUO Radio), one on Friday (CMPDA in Montreal). I have more next week. Good Times.