
  • E-Mail Problems!

    Well, apparently I haven’t been receiving any mail from my @jmcardle account since December 15th. As it turns out, my inbox with GoDaddy was full – something I didn’t notice as I only checked the cc’d versions sent to an alternate address.

    This couldn’t of happened at the worst time. Needless to say, I likely lost emails sent back from Disney, Puretracks, EMI, etc.

  • Happy New Year!

    Well, I’m currently not at home. In fact, I’m currently in an urban wasteland somewhere in Quebec, leeching my Internet connection off a weak wifi signal.

    But from this desolate and cold place, I wish you a wonderful new year!

    PS. Laptops CPUs make great electric heaters.

  • Exams Done!!

    [As of 10PM Today] EXAMS ARE DONE!

    Now I nailed this exam. That’s great – but I also know that I failed Math. That’s not so great. 2% more and I would have passed. Eh well.

  • Visit this site? Tell us where you’re from!

    Okee so I started my own Frappr! page to get an idea where the people that visit this site come from.

    Simply click on the following link and add yourself!

  • Piracy Doc Pre-Production Update

    The movie is being kept tightly under wraps. The script; everything will not be revealed until the post-production is completed. Needless to say, the movie will explore the theme of piracy.

    Nonetheless, here’s what’s happened in the last few weeks:
    – I hired an animator. Our host is now an animated reporter.
    – Most interviews have been settled or are being processed.
    – I have obtained “the camera”.

    The script has been reworked, and will bear no similarity with the original 56 page report I issued. Instead, the brunt of the movie will rely on interviews, not a narrator, to discuss the topics at hand.

    Featured Interviews:
    – Disney
    – EMI
    – Sony BMG
    – Puretracks/Bonfire [Legal P2P]
    – HMV
    – Radio Experts
    – CKCU (Indy radio)
    – XFM (Pop radio)
    – Rock Band (Decitones Possibly)
    – Famous Players
    – Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law
    – Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic
    – Creative Commons
    – Pirate from Release Group
    – Pirate from FXP Group
    …and more!!

    o December: Organizing Interviews
    o January 1-20: Filming Interviews, Stock; Travelling
    o January 20 – 30: Basic Film Editing
    o Feb 1-15: Adding Animated Host
    o Feb 15-23: Post-Production… Editing
    o March 1: Release!

    That said, I’m still looking for some good, cheap-to-license music. If you have any suggestions for something that could fit well in a documentary, I’m all ears. Guitar? African chants? I’m open.

    It’s crazy to think how this film has evolved over the last few months. I’ve essentially jetissoned every single aspect I originally wanted to discuss. I believe the documentary is better as a consequence, however, as it now deals directly down to the consumer piracy level. It hits to home. Whereas before, it dealt more with an abstract upper layer, disjoint from the people actually committing these acts.

    Update: It should be noted that since this posting there’s been some switches in the interviews, and that the filming process has been extended a whole month.