
  • Wedding Photos

    Here are a few pictures I took at Melanie’s Wedding.

    Most pictures turned out pretty poorly. Unfortunately, lower-end digital cameras really don’t tend to cope too well under poor lighting conditions (esp. with my jitter). That said, I’ll see what I can do with the existing photographs and email them out.

    If you want a copy of the photos, please reply to this blog entry. Only family/family friends may have access to these.

  • Mmm…


    The midterms have finished; the assignments have been handed in; my wonderful sister has married a wonderful guy; and my other sister and her family from the UK have returned home (not so great).

    I’ll update the site over the next few days. Namely, upload pictures from my three last field trips, and install some forum software. Until then, I invite you to check out this awesome clip from “The Daily Show”. It’s a televised political sattire, and the clip I have for you today is simply hilarious.

    Watch The Daily Show – The Patriot Act

    Update: University photos have all been uploaded.

  • Planes, Trains & Automobiles

    Ahhh, finally a few hours to myself! Oh yes, these are the weeks from hell for me. I’ve had less than 10 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. Mass of Assignments. A school kicking me in the pants wherever it can. Stress. It’s been brutal.

    Meanwhile, my sister is getting married this Saturday (w00t!), and my other sister from England whom I haven’t seen in 1.5 years is here as well for the event. She’s staying at her house for a week with her children, before heading back home. I spent a bit of time with her today, and her children. Tonight, the three kids held a concert for us, consisting of such fine tunes as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. 🙂

    Made my week. 🙂

  • Serious Sam 2 Review

    Well, I’ll let you know my bias right off the bat – I’m a big fan of the Serious Sam series. There was alot to like about the original Serious Sam – the game, even new, was dirt cheap: $19CDN. That’s less than a third of what other games cost. It was developped by these talented developpers in their figurative garage over in Croatia. And the game? Great fun.

    That said, the title didn’t come with its flaws. It was no more than a brainless shooter, in one large and monotonous classical Egyptian-style environment. Serious Sam: Second Encounter, another $19 release, fixed alot of that. The environments now varied, and our hero, Serious Sam fought the monsters accross a variety of locales. Again: lots more fun. The game, however, still remained a brainless shooter.

    Now comes Serious Sam 2. The game is more expensive this time round; retailing at $34CDN. But coming with it is indeed a better game. Make no mistake: Serious Sam is no more than a shooter in which you kill thousands of monsters at once with a vast arsenal at your disposal. And that’s what makes it so much fun. It’s a game that suits me – I can play for 5 minutes, leave it, come back. That said, expect nothing like Rainbow 6, FEAR, Doom 3, Half-Life 2. This game is not that kind of involved shooter. To be honest, I wouldn’t be able to recommend Serious Sam if the game cost as much as the previously mentionned titles.

    So what’s new/better? Well, there’s a story this time round, and you accomplish objectives. It’s still the run-of-the-mill kill everything that moves, but now you have a purpose for doing so. Go to village. Save village. Meet this guy. Enviornments are as varied as the last game. The graphics are improved, and work silky smooth even at high settings on my Athlon 2600 machine (GeForce 6800 Card, 1GB RAM). Graphics tend to be low-polygon, but the game more than make up for it in both scope and scale. Best of all: The game is infused with much humour. A main female character is voiced by a man pretending to be a chick. Your computer-aid can now talk, and attributes that to “a better game budget”. Fun.

    Multiplayer is also present in this game, in the form of coop (haven’t seen deathmatch servers). Makes for great fun with friends.

    All in all, this is a great game if you enjoy that type of shooter. If you have limited funds, maybe invest in another more elaborate title such as Half-Life 2, FEAR or whatnot.

    Rating: 8.0/10

  • Poor, poor Americans.

    Poor Americans. Everyone makes fun of them. If you’re Canadian, you may know the segment of the TV Show “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” entitled “Talking to Americans”, in which the show’s hosts attempt to convince some hapless American that Canada has a National Igloo, that our Prime Minister is some famous and deceased hockey player, that we have no electricity, etc.

    Of course, I’m pretty sure the producers get the dumbest people they can. Ignorance is not an American-only thing, and I’m sure that one could easily find just as many stupid Canadians or what not. But nonetheless, the American populace are subject to yet another brush here, in a segment called “On the Streets of America” from CNNN. CNNN is a kind of parodic news network owned by ABC.

    Download clip: On the Streets of America.