
  • Good News.

    The show was rejected from Slashdot. This is good news actually, as it means I dont have to worry about bandwidth constraints and the bittorrent idea is no longer a necessity. I want to thank everyone who seeded 🙂

    I’m still working on a DVD ISO. Just need to sync the audio right to the video; create more imagery; and I’ll be done.

    Other good news: got a B in Math. Considering I had %40 throughout the year, this is most excellent news (I nailed the exam).

  • EYNTO a Success!

    I’ve had 10GB in bandwidth used up for the EYNTO Show in its first day! That’s very good: Its equivalent to 45 people downloading the Show! However; I have a limit of 100GB, and GoDaddy will literally bankrupt me if I go over by even a small amount.

    So I’ve implemented a PHP script that tracks the downloads and makes sure I don’t exceed my allocated traffic. Meanwhile, thanks to the help of an individual from another forum, I was able to get a 2nd mirror up. I’m now FXPing the files to

    I’m also hosting a bittorrent tracker. I see three seeders on it right now. Whoever you are: thank you. I know there’s little traffic now, but if ever this gets slashdotted or the like, it’ll really pay off. Thanks.

    Click here for download links.

  • Best. Day. Ever.

    I have many reasons to be happy. The EYNTO Show is complete in one form or another. I’m going to a conference tomorrow and Saturday [BSDCan2k5]. I’m appearing on Underfire Radio Saturday. I found out that I got an A- for my GIS class (Geography Information Systems).

    Annnd I got a job! Not only that, but a frickin’ dream job! I’ll be a tour guide for a local tour boat company. I learned that today. This day could not be better.

    Update: Weeell maybe not so nice: I have a bandwidth cap of 100GB. It sounds like alot, but keep in mind that the show is 220MB. I’ve just contacted GoDaddy: if that cap is exceeded, I will have to pay a hefty amount. $6 per additional Gig. So if I go over by 100GB, I’ll have to pay $600. Despite the fact that they charge $10 for 100GB of bandwidth.

    I’m thinking of using a PHP script to maintain the control of where the show is spread in my hands.

  • Download Show.

    I found more glitches. *sigh*
    Another 8 hours of rendering awaits me.

    Either way you can download the show here:

    -Name appearing twice in credits.
    -The wrong footage appears in one spot. Occured when Premiere crashed and deleted some original shoots.

  • GAH.

    I noticed while I was watching the finished and rendered stuff that some chapters were clipped by 3 seconds at the end. Enough to cut off the ends of the last sentences.

    Therefore I’m uploading the show now, but will rerender a new one today without this glitch.

    Update: The glitch is inherent to Premiere: It simply cuts out the last 2 seconds of audio from every clip. Therefore I re-recorded myself saying those last few words in each chapter. Also made a little change to the credits.