
  • New Firefox Vulnerability…

    New Firefox (1.0.3) Vulnerability out which allows one to create .bat files remotely. This signifies that one could make your computer upload documents to an FTP server (series of commands) in addition to the whole “delete your root directory” thing.

    Click on the link [link removed] for a demo that will create a directory on your C:\ drive called “jmcardleFF”.

    edit: ehh… ain’t working. Anywho, check on the source anyways :p

  • EYNTO Progress…

    Completed Chapter 10 of the EYNTO Show. It is approx. 7 minutes long which translates into about 21 hours worth of work. I am now half-way into editing Chapter 11, which is on the topic of Download Types (ISOs vs. Rips, etc.)

    What is left? A segment on troubleshooting downloads (chapter 12), ripping DVDs (chapter 13), then a section on installing computer upgrades w/ shopping tips (chapter 14&15) and the end credits (chapter 16). The show is already 40 minutes long as is. I’m almost finished…

    Post-production, I will author a DVD and create a director’s commentary.

    UPDATE: Just completed Chapter 11. Now onto Chapter 12 and download troubleshooting.

  • Ottawa Wifi Map!

    So I went out today with my wifi-enabled PDA at 30 locations across the downtown core of Ottawa. My objective was to identify the wireless networks in the area, which would then be placed on a map with further information.

    I sniffeed each sample area 5/6 times and wrote the results on paper. Once all the data was gathered I produced a map of the location using Google Maps and Photoshop. Finally, I created the HTML backbone that would provide you with information on each location (imagemap, JS database).

    The result:

    Note: The webpage will not work with Internet Explorer as it cannot properly render .png images (or much of anything else). It does work correctly with Firefox.

  • New Site Addition

    If you look to the right under the “Pages” header you’ll notice a new link to a Web Proxy I am now hosting. Feel free to use it to surf truly anonymously over the Internet; or to circumvent local web filtering (ie. Websense).

    This is hosted by me; so please do not abuse the service. Keep also in mind that I have only so much in bandwidth per month and that you may not be the only one making use of the proxy. Abuse of the service will mean that the proxy will be taken down.