
  • Rice Tea is done.

    Well, as it turns out, the “last” set of corrections weren’t the last. But it’s done now. Very minor changes overall, mostly grammatical in nature.

    Rice Tea is done. Finally. Big thanks to my parents, without whom, this would not have been possible.

  • Rice Tea

    Well, I’ve just done another, unforseen, set of corrections to the book. I’ve also updated the format layout. And I’ve updated the official website. This should be it folks. I’ve ordered a new test copy in, and we’ll see what that brings.

  • Rice Tea News

    Rice Tea is all but complete. I’ve applied the last of the corrections, ending up with what should be the final text. I’ve just ordered a test print. If that checks, then we are good to go!

  • X-Mas Shopping & Grado SR-80s.

    Well, I’ve done *nearly* all my Christmas shopping. Along the way, I bought something nice for myself – Grade SR-80 headphones. I’ve been eyeing these for a while, and at $200, they weren’t cheap. Did I feel ripped off because these are half the price in the States?


    Not at all. These are the best headphones I’ve listened to as of yet, putting my $100 Sony noise-cancelling headphones to shame. The step up is comparable to going from el-cheapo $5 in-ear headphones to a decent $80 set. So much more definition. Clarity. I’m very happy.

  • US Balks at Backing Condemnation of Anti-Gay Laws

    UNITED NATIONS – Alone among major Western nations, the United States has refused to sign a declaration presented Thursday at the United Nations calling for worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality.

    [Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual associations rally for the global decriminalization of homosexual relationships, in Seville December 15, 2008. The banner reads, “The Vatican kills us, Global decriminalization of homosexuality”.(Reuters/Marcelo del Pozo/Spain) ]Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual associations rally for the global decriminalization of homosexual relationships, in Seville December 15, 2008. The banner reads, “The Vatican kills us, Global decriminalization of homosexuality”.

    In all, 66 of the U.N.’s 192 member countries signed the nonbinding declaration – which backers called a historic step to push the General Assembly to deal more forthrightly with any-gay discrimination. More than 70 U.N. members outlaw homosexuality, and in several of them homosexual acts can be punished by execution.

    Co-sponsored by France and the Netherlands, the declaration was signed by all 27 European Union members, as well as Japan, Australia, Mexico and three dozen other countries. There was broad opposition from Muslim nations, and the United States refused to sign, indicating that some parts of the declaration raised legal questions that needed further review.