There was another anti-trans protest in Ottawa this week. It was organized by a group whose foundational beliefs are labeled trans-exclusive radical feminism (TERFs) or “gender critical”, depending who is doing the naming.

This follows an incident a week ago where a man from Vancouver who makes a living crowd-funding anti-trans actions and is affiliated with TERF groups showed up at an elementary school in Ottawa with transphobic signs and was filming children. Meanwhile, over the past two weeks, the Quebec government has introduced a law that would require trans people to be sterilized to update identity documents, the Toronto Star released a piece decrying trans-inclusive language, the CBC published another portraying inclusion of trans people as a danger to cis women, and CTV aired a piece from their investigative show W5 that tried to stir a moral panic over care for gender diverse youth, uncritically parroting disinformation from UK TERF organizations. The CTV production was reminiscent of the documentary on the same topic that the CBC had sourced from the BBC a few years ago which centred the views of a conversion therapy clinic operator.
I’ve written about this new wave of anti-trans organizations before. Whatever moniker used to identify them, their behaviour is near identical to anti-gay evangelicals of yore.