Category: Life

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  • ESRB Out-of-Touch

    The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has just sent word that the rating assigned to Bethesda’s and 2K Games’ The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has been changed from T (Teen 13+) to M (Mature 17+). “The content causing the ESRB to change the rating involves more detailed depictions of blood and gore than were considered in the original rating, as well as the presence of a locked-out art file or ‘skin’ that, if accessed through a third party modification to the PC version of the game, allows the user to play with topless versions of female characters,” said the ESRB in a release.

    Christ, this is stupid. By their standards, all games will be rated “M” as there will always be a lone geek out there to make a nude patch for any game featuring the female gender. Does that mean we should give “The Sims” a rating of M? Or  how about “Rollercoaster Tycoon”?


  • Narration Complete.

    Narration took a lot longer than I thought it would. The narrator was absolutely fantastic; the issue was with me underestimating the time required to complete that section. Considering its now 11:55PM, I’ll just go to bed and continue with the editing tomorrow. I expect the movie to be out by Friday at the latest.

    I’ve also been cutting down bits here and there of the documentary, in order to speed up the pace a little bit. That said, all those cuts I’ve made only amount to shortening the film by 5 minutes. lmfao.

  • Sequencing Complete!

    Okay, the sequencing is complete. Without narration and so forth, the movie is 1h48 long. So what’s left to do?

    • Performing Narration (2 hours)
    • Putting in stock filler + Narration (2 hours)
    • Adding in Animations (4 hours)
    • Generating Music (Unknown)
    • Rendering!

    I think this screenshot best expresses how much time I’ve invested:

  • Forums taken down.

    There’s been an XSS vulnerability for Invisionboard that’s been spreading like wildfire across all installs over the last few days.

    Attempts have been made against all IvB boards I attend at. Because I had an older version, the attack was succesful on my forums.

    I have thus taken down the forums for the time being.

  • Donations for Piracy Doc

    I got this idea from the Spread Firefox NY Times campaign:

    Anyone who donates $10 or more will get their name listed in the end credits of the documentary. All those who donated before today already have their names included. Donations must be submitted by May 2nd, 2006, for the names to make the cut.

    You can donate here.