Category: Life

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  • Thank you.

    Because I’m really feeling the squeeze financially, I decided to create a live “donations” page for the Piracy Documentary. This goes against my original statement that I’d rather have the film finished first – but really, funds come in more handy when you’re actually making use of them.

    Well no less than an hour after the page went live, someone donated. And it was alot more than I would expected anyone to give. So I want to extend my thanks to Luxor, for your kind generosity. The only way I can make it up to you is to make the best film I can.

    Thank you.

  • Another interview down.

    Finished off another interview today. Added the details to the official site (, and added new screenshots to the Gallery.

    snapshot20060309202621.jpg snapshot20060309202715.jpg snapshot20060309202742.jpg 

  • 1 Interview Down; License Chosen.

    Today I had the pleasure of interviewing the head of Creative Commons Canada. And on that topic, I decided my license:

    Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
    Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
    No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

    The “No Derivative Works” is to avoid potential problems caused by having industry reps. getting footage of them spread in other less-than-complimentary works. This is more protection for me than anything else. The raw interviews will also be released in this format.

    Furthermore, I’m releasing all stock footage to the Public Domain. This is a few hours worth of scenic shots of the cities of Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal. Actually, the Montreal footage is pretty bad; but there’s some decent tidbits in there.

  • Yay… Rights cleared.

    I was able to clear the rights to film indoors in two buildings of my choosing. The management of these locations have asked that they remain anonymous, and that I avoid using any footage that could identify their buildings. This is a request I have accepted.

    I walked out of these places extremely surprised at how easy the process of clearing these rights was. No NDAs; just lots of common sense. It was a refreshing change.

    I have interviews tomorrow, the day after, and Saturday.

  • Now Up!

    So the site for the Piracy Documentary is now up! Check it out at:

    I was able to design the site from scratch in under two hours. This is thanks in large part to NVU, an open-source Dreamweaver equivalent. The learning curve is also pretty shallow: before I installed it less than two hours ago, I had never dealt with a WYSIWYG editor other than the horrid Frontpage.

    That said, the program does pitch in bits of illogical/useless code. However, its very minimal, and easy to clean up. Worth a gander.