Category: Life

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  • Google is now Evil.

    When Google became Google corp., it adopted a motto: “do no evil.” Well, I was hoping it would last as long as possible. And it did, for quite a few years. However, Google became a publicly tradable company, and when that happened I knew that it was only a matter of time before it became “evil.”

    Oh sure, they made billions because of their IPO. But their focus on ethics was lost, it was now on satisfying its investors. And investors don’t care about ethics, they care about money. In fact, I sometime joke that if the US of A were a publicly tradable company, its investors would (ironically) vote it facist to make a few extra bucks.

    Because of this, however, Google has made a decision that uncategorically makes it evil: it will now censor its results in China. And who can blame the investors: it was that or potentially loose access to the millions of chinese web surfers. That could have hurt their investment.

    So we, we who are so upset about a government that spies on us, help put forth massive censorship in a distant land. I once heard a quote “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” It remains true, but money is power, and so it can be said that “Absolute Money Corrupts Absolutely.” Who seeks “absolute money”? Investors. And they’re corrupt because of it.

    It isn’t really anti-capitalist to frown upon this system we have whereby companies are afraid of decisions because of the fears of the ignorant market that supports it. Then again, Google might of made this decision, as a company, reguardless.

    It’s a mess. I’m just ashamed that its because of investors that politically charged youth are given 10 year jail sentences (in China; thanks to Yahoo), and that the people of a distant country are given a false truth of the world, fed to them by American companies.

    For shame. Who are we to say we support freedom when the companies beneath us promote censorship and help jail political dissidents.

    Update: I tested out the new “tiananmen square” in the standard Google-US search reveals 1,600,000 results; including Wikipedia references, BBC’s and CNN’s revisited perspective on the massacre, and history websites. Google-China has 13,000 results, with all references to the massacre erased.

    People are getting upset over here because the government is demanding search results from Google. Google is refusing to hand them over, citing “…their demand for information overreaches.” Yet this is the same company that’s sharing all its information with Chinese officials to better censor their results. Now why are they hypocrites? Because of investors, who as much as they don’t give a damn about foreign users, cry outloud whenever their lives are mildly inconvenienced.

  • Life Update

    Oooh this blog hasn’t been updated in a while.

    Well in terms of life – not much new. I’ve been very ill over the last week; and currently sleep approx. 16 hours a day. I’m up now only to take care of business on the Celsius Studios side of things.

    And speaking of Celsius Studios: the piracy documentary. The filming period is being delayed. Essentially, I have everyone lined up for interviews safe for two representatives: those from the film and music industry. Their opinions are the foundation for the film, and without them its very hard to create a cohesive structure for the film. That sentence doesn’t make much sense, but I have a blaring headacke right now, so: meh.

    At this point I’d like to thank the following for going out of their way to make our lives easier in the last few weeks:
    – Universal Music
    – Warner Bros.
    – Canadian Recording Industry Association

    There are many others to thank as well, but these are our heroes of week.

  • E-Mail Problems!

    Well, apparently I haven’t been receiving any mail from my @jmcardle account since December 15th. As it turns out, my inbox with GoDaddy was full – something I didn’t notice as I only checked the cc’d versions sent to an alternate address.

    This couldn’t of happened at the worst time. Needless to say, I likely lost emails sent back from Disney, Puretracks, EMI, etc.

  • Happy New Year!

    Well, I’m currently not at home. In fact, I’m currently in an urban wasteland somewhere in Quebec, leeching my Internet connection off a weak wifi signal.

    But from this desolate and cold place, I wish you a wonderful new year!

    PS. Laptops CPUs make great electric heaters.

  • Exams Done!!

    [As of 10PM Today] EXAMS ARE DONE!

    Now I nailed this exam. That’s great – but I also know that I failed Math. That’s not so great. 2% more and I would have passed. Eh well.