Category: Life

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  • Welcome (Again!)

    Well, if you can read this it means that I have succesfully restored the WordPress Blog files + database on the new server. For $2 more a month, I now have 100GB bandwidth (as opposed to 15GB) and 10MySQL DBs (as opposed to 1). FTP transfer speeds are also way up.

    So all in all good news! With 100GB of transfer to spare it will also mean that I will have room to experiment with other bandwidth-consuming projects.

    EDIT: Well there appears to be a few glitches. “” still resolves to the old server, whilst “” resolves to the new one.

  • Blog on Hold.

    I am in the process of switching hosting services. I am backing up the blog database now, and will not add in any additional entries until the move is complete.

    Wish me luck!

  • Life Update [Again!]

    I submitted 30 resumes yesterday, 10 the day before. Add that to the 30+ I’ve already submitted to the government. No replies. Exam in 6 days. EYNTO coming along; completed 2 chapters.

    The first was on Malware which covered traditional viruses, worms, etc. and then went into today’s plague: spyware/adware. Unlike previous chapters, this one did not go into much detail of how these bits of code come to be, but rather stayed focused on the remedies.

    The second chapter was film footage from the Ottawa 2600 meeting, in which I interviewed a few attendees and asked them to give tips on Internet Security.

  • System… Balanced?

    According to the new bill passed in the senate:

    The bill also calls for three years in cases where a person is caught recording a movie in a theater with a camcorder – and six years for a second offence. It also indemnifies theater operators against all criminal and civil liabilities arising from detaining suspects “in a reasonable manner.”

    Sooo if I murder someone (manslaughter), my penalties would probably be less than the penalties for *gasp* filming in a movie theatre. I don’t approve of filming in movie theatres, but I certainly don’t think it worse than murder. Nor do I even think it worse than shoplifting. Nothing is actually stolen (oh no! a shaky copy on a camcorder!), and no one is hurt much less killed.

    It’s ignorance really, the cam-rips in the piracy world do not come from consumers of the North American cinema market. Simply fact. So why instate such draconian laws? Ahh right forgot. The MPAA/RIAA owns the Senate.

  • Life Update…

    With exams nearly done, I’ve re-started my work on the EYNTO Show. My main objective however at this time is finding a summer job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job. Job.

    Math exam on the 29th.