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  • Homophobia and transphobia is why PC’s repealed sex ed

    Homophobia and transphobia is why PC’s repealed sex ed

    On July 11th 2018 the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PCs) followed through on a campaign promise rid Ontario of the 2015 sexual education curriculum. Come September, students would be taught the 1998 curriculum.

    The 2015 curriculum included content about consent, online bullying, and LGBT realities. None of these were present in the 1998 curriculum, which was devised years before same-sex marriage became legal, when the Ontario government still funded conversion therapy for trans youth, and before Google or even MySpace were founded.

    Progressive Conservatives have maintained that this move had nothing to do with homophobia and transphobia. This article demonstrates those assertions to be false.

    Introduction of 2015 curriculum

    In 2007, the Liberal government started the process of updating the 1998 sex ed curriculum. What followed was two years of consultation with 700 students, 70 organizations and more than 2,400 people. Among the organizations who helped develop the content was the Ontario Institute for Catholic Education, which works on behalf of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, the organisation that decides what’s Catholic in Ontario Catholic schools. Then in April of 2010, the government announced they would roll out the curriculum in the fallThe curriculum was 208 pages long as compared to the 42 pages for the 1998 curriculum.

    A movement formed to oppose it, including on the grounds that it mentioned gender identity and sexual orientation:

    “Christian right leader Charles McVety, who is also part of the coalition, said it is unconscionable to teach children as young as eight years old gender identity and sexual orientation. He accused the Premier of listening to “special interest groups with an agenda,” including former education minister Kathleen Wynne, who is openly gay.”

    Following this backlash, the government scrapped the revised sex ed curriculum.

    In 2014, the Liberal government picked it back up and sent a survey to 4,000 parents as added consultation. In February of 2015, the curriculum was ready. It was now 239 pages long. By this point, the 1998 curriculum was now the oldest sex ed curriculum in Canada. The Liberal government declared that it would introduce the new curriculum for September.

    Among the changes, in Grade 1, children would learn the proper names for their body parts. In Grade 3, children would learn that some people had gay parents. In Grade 6, they’d learn that masturbation isn’t shameful. In Grade 8, they’d learn about gender identity. In Grade 9, they’d learn about staying safe online. The 2015 curriculum can be downloaded here in full.

    Protests ensued. One set of parents organized a student strike:

    The group Ontario Parents and Students Strike put a notification letter online for parents to send to schools. The group also operates a Facebook page, “Parents & students on strike: one week no school,” which has more than 7,500 likes.

    The notification letter says the parents object to curriculum material, which it says is “age-inappropriate” and does not “align with the principles and beliefs of our family, and thousands of other families across Ontario.”

    Homophobia and transphobia were rife in the opposition to the curriculum. As one parent explained at the time:

    Kimberly Cormier, another mother at the protest, told VICE News it’s the parts of the curriculum that discuss gender identity and LGBTQ issues that trouble her most. “We don’t need to tell the kids about transsexual, two-spirited-ness. Actually, I don’t want to use this terminology because the kids are present here today. And that’s exactly what we’re trying to protect them from,” she said.

    Likewise, as a letter to the Toronto Star asserted:

    “It will teach Gay-Trans propaganda starting in grade 1 [age 6]. Destroy the idea of gender, natural law, heterosexual family normalcy. You choose your gender.”

    The disdain towards trans people was also evident in the mass-produced posters of the time:

    Protesters in 2015 for the new sex ed curriculum. One sign reads “Rights to change change gender, but No Rights to choose education?”

    PC Party of Ontario from 2011 – 2018

    When the revised curriculum was introduced in 2010, the PC Party of Ontario was openly homophobic. For instance, in 2011, PC Leader Tim Hudak defended his party distributing misleading anti-gay flyers:

    Then in 2012, the PC Party opposed the Accepting Schools Act, which would put an end to the ban of student run LGBT-oriented clubs in Ontario Catholic Schools. The bill ultimately passed without their support.

    But then something changed.

    In 2012, NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo introduced Toby’s Act to recognize gender identity and expression in the Ontario Human Rights Act. She had introduced it since 2007 but it never became law. Liberal MPP Yasir Naqvi of the Liberals and PC MPP Christine Elliott co-sponsored the 2012 bill. This time, it passed.

    In 2015, NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo introduced another bill to ban conversion therapy in Ontario. The PC Party supported the bill. It passed.

    In 2016, NDP Cheri DiNovo introduced yet another bill so that same-sex parents would not have to adopt their own children. The PC’s supported the bill unanimously, though, half of the members were not there. This suggested that the progressive stance of the party was led by their leadership.

    In 2016, PC Leader Patrick Brown made the following statement in support of the 2015 sex ed curriculum:

    I strongly support an updated curriculum that takes into account changing attitudes and the world in which children now dwell. They are being asked to understand challenging topics in ways their parents were not. It is important to have sex education to combat homophobia, and raise important issues like consent, mental health, bullying, and gender identity. The world has changed and so should the curriculum.

    Then in January 2018, Patrick Brown resigned following allegations of sexual misconduct. This was months before the Ontario election. The PC’s started a leadership race.

    Lead-up to 2018 Ontario election

    In the PC leadership race, there were four contenders. Two were socially progressive: Christine Elliott and Caroline Mulroney. Two were socially conservative: Doug Ford and Tanya Granic Allen.

    Tanya Granic Allen is the president of Parents As First Educators (PAFE), which bills itself as a “leader in the fight” against a “radical sex-ed curriculum in Ontario.” When she entered the race, the Toronto Star published the headline “Opponent of Ontario’s sex ed curriculum enters PC leadership race“.

    Granic Allen’s homophobia and transphobia was well documented. On a PAFE blog entry written by her, she warned against “influencing young children in the classroom to be accepting of transgenderism” and in another linked to a text called “Gender Ideology Harms Children“. She asked her readers to oppose the trans rights bill. On a television, Granic Allen was saying that same-sex marriage was causing the “demise of society.”

    To little surprise, Tanya Granic Allen brought up sex ed repeatedly during leadership debates. She stated she would speak for people who oppose “the Kathleen Wynne sex-ed agenda“. She slammed the bill that banned conversion therapy. She did not appear to speak to any other issue, as this exchange between Steve Paikin, the moderator of the leadership debate, and Granic Allen demonstrates:

    “What else in education today needs improving that you’ve got your eye on?” asked Paikin. “Sex ed isn’t going to improve math scores, so tell me about something else.”

    Granic Allen’s reply: “Maybe they will focus more on math if they’re not talking about anal sex in the classroom.”

    Throughout the leadership debates, Doug Ford and Tanya Granic Allen became a team, often supporting each other’s points in opposition to the two institutional candidates. Granic Allen had little chance to win the PC leadership but nonetheless had a base, with her support critical for Ford’s leadership race win.

    Doug Ford won the leadership race. He vowed to repeal sex-ed. He appointed Tanya Granic Allen to run as the PC candidate in Mississauga Centre. She was later ousted, after much resistance from Ford, over a speech from 2014 surfacing in which she said sex ed and same-sex marriage made her want to vomit. The PC Party of Ontario was ready for the Ontario election.

    On June 7th 2018, Doug Ford was elected the new premier of Ontario. The Liberals, who had governed the province for the previous fifteen years, lost official party status. NPD MPP Cheri DiNovo left politics. Liberal MPP Yasir Naqvi lost his seat. Charles McVety, the religious leader who claims that “homosexuals prey on children” and who opposed the sex ed curriculum from its inception, was invited to Doug Ford’s throne speech.

    Post-election events

    Following the election, supporters and opponents made their voices heard.

    A petition was put together by supporters of the 2015 curriculum asking the government not to repeal the updated sex ed. Over 50,000 signatures were collected.

    Meanwhile, opponents were vocal too. The National Post ran an op-ed by Barbara Kay on July 3rd advocating for the repeal:

    “Much of what children are learning about transgenderism today, at a very tender age, is not science-based, but activist-dictated theory that can result in psychological harm.”

    “The doubt-encouraging “Genderbread” charts, which attempt to explain differences between gender identity, sexual preference and biological sex and have been brought into Ontario classrooms by some teachers, should disappear altogether.”

    “If they believe in social-engineering theories, let progressive parents teach their kids “social construction” and “gender fluidity” at home.”

    Repeal of 2015 curriculum

    On July 11th, 2018, the Minister for Education, PC MPP Lisa Thompson, announced that the government would rid the province of the 2015 sex education curriculum.

    “The sex-ed component is going to be reverted back to the manner in which it was prior to the changes that were introduced by the Liberal government,” Ms. Thompson said. “We’re going to be moving very swiftly in our consultations, and I will be sharing with you our process in the weeks to come.”

    This was the same MPP who had opposed legislation that would end the ban on LGBT-themed clubs by Catholic Ontario schools.

    Immediately following the news of the sex ed repeal, a conservative publication ran the headline “Doug Ford’s repeal of radical sex ed is the beginning of victory for parents in the transgender wars“.

    There were protests by supporters of the sex ed curriculum. Educators, such as the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, released statements opposing the repeal. However, it is telling to look at the views post-repeal of those who wanted that sex ed curriculum gone.

    The July 15th demonstration by supporters of the 2015 sex ed curriculum in Ottawa was disrupted by a group of white nationalists.

    The Globe & Mail published a piece by Debra Soh called “Ontario’s sex-ed backlash isn’t about children’s safety” stating that:

    “The curriculum promotes the idea that there are more than two genders and that gender identity is socially constructed.”

    “A curriculum that teaches gender fluidity is misleading and will impair a child’s ability to have an accurate understanding of the world.”

    On CBC News, Barbara Kay was invited to speak on the sex ed repeal. She stated that teaching about gender identity was child abuse. On Twitter, she also alleged that trans people were “body snatching kids”:

    A National Post op-ed by Marni Soupcoff cited the article “The New Sex-Ed Curriculum Would Have Saved Me From Torment Growing Up” by a gay man and the opinion of a dad who lost his daughter to bullying that “the 2015 sex ed curriculum could have saved my daughter” when she called such responses to sex ed “sad and misguided.”

    Government response following repeal

    There was tremendous negative media attention on the sex ed repeal, including internationally from Time Magazine and the BBC. On July 16th, the education minister Lisa Thompson stated the repeal would only be partial and continue including gender identity and cyber safety:

    “We know they need to learn about consent,” she said at the legislature. “We know they need to learn about cyber safety, we know they need to learn about gender identity and appreciation. But we also know that the former Liberal government’s consultation process was completely flawed.”

    A short time later, Thompson told reporters that only a portion of the curriculum will be rolled back, not the entire document.

    “What we’ll be looking at is the developing sexual relations,” she said. “That’s the part in the curriculum that we’ll be taking a look at.”

    Hours later, her office released the following retraction – there would not be a partial repeal that left in gender identity and cyber safety:

    “While these consultations occur, we are reverting to the full health and physical education curriculum that was last taught in 2014.”

    As the backlash continued, Lisa Thompson attempted to present the 1998 curriculum as the “2014 curriculum”, reflecting the last year the 1998 curriculum was taught. This was presumably to improve the optics of substituting the 2015 curriculum with one from 1998. Take this interview with her on July 26th:

    Q: Okay straighten out the confusion about what curriculum is going to be taught in September?

    A: In September teachers will be using the 2014 curriculum.

    Q: But that’s based on the 1998 curriculum, it’s the same curriculum is it not?

    A: Teachers are going to be familiar with the curriculum they are using because they utilized it in 2014.

    Q: But it’s the 1998 curriculum. There is no such thing as the 2014 curriculum is there? Or can you provide that for us?

    A: What we are going to be doing is asking teachers to use the 2014 curriculum as we embark on the most comprehensive consultation this province has ever seen when it comes to education. We made a campaign promise to respect parents and we are going to be doing that.

    Q: There is no such thing as the 2014 curriculum. It’s the same curriculum that was taught in 1998 am I not correct?

    A: The curriculum in 2014, teachers will be very used to…

    Meanwhile, statements from MPP Christine Elliott, now the Deputy Premier, appeared to suggest that content not covered by the 42-page 1998 curriculum should not be discussed openly in class:

    “The requirement is that the curriculum be followed,” Elliott said. “But of course there’s lots of student questions that come to teachers every day. Of course, a teacher is able to have a private discussion with a student to answer the questions.”

    When asked if those discussions could include topics in the now-repealed curriculum, Elliott said teachers should help put students in touch with appropriate resources.

    The government did not appear to provide any further rationalization for rescinding the sex ed curriculum in the weeks following its repeal, beyond reiterating the allegation that there was insufficient consultation. The government did not conduct any consultation before replacing the curriculum with twenty-year old information.


    By this point, it is clear that the repeal of the sex ed curriculum was rooted in homophobia and transphobia.

    The repeal was popularized by a virulent homophobe and transphobe who ran for the PC leadership on that issue alone. Her low probability of winning meant her base was up for grabs with whoever she endorsed. Ford, the other social conservative in the leadership run, became that person. He adopted the same rhetoric as Granic Allen vowing to “scrap Kathleen Wynne’s ideological sex-ed curriculum and replace it with one that is age-appropriate“. Ford won the leadership race. Then he was elected Premier, and followed through with the repeal.

    The media coverage of conservative voices following the repeal further indicated that the repeal was motivated by the inclusion of content pertinent to trans experiences. Inclusion of this material was consistently presented as harmful or abusive to children.

    Meanwhile, educators, including the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association, and twenty of Ontario’s 72 school boards including the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and the Toronto District School Board, have all spoken against removing the 2015 curriculum.

    In spite of this strong response, the government was unable to provide a reason for the repeal, beyond the disproved assertion of insufficient consultation. The only comment in support of teaching content pertaining to gender identity from a  minister was retracted the same day.

    PC MPPs can deny that transphobia and homophobia had any part to play, citing “process” instead, but that would be false. Ignorance and prejudice towards sexual and gender minorities was the leading reason for its repeal.

    Update – November 2018

    The resolution passed on November 17th, 2018.

    On November 17th 2018, during the convention for the Ontario Progressive Conservatives, delegates passed a resolution introduced by Tanya Granic Allen that “an Ontario PC Government will remove the teaching and promotion of ‘gender identity theory’ from Ontario schools and its curriculum.” Two days later, Doug Ford stated he was “not moving forward with that.” Ford did not have to. His government had already removed all trans-related content from the curriculum.

    Since this article was written, the conservative government announced their consultation on the new sex ed curriculum would take the form of 27 telephone conference town halls across the province. Teachers reported being shut out of these consultations. This is a far cry from the 700 students, 70 organizations and more than 2,400 people consulted for the 2015 curriculum. This adds to the evidence that the lack of consultation was not the reason behind the repeal despite the government’s insistence otherwise.

    In the intervening months, two lawsuits have also been launched. The first was initiated in August by six families with an eleven year old trans youth as the lead applicant. The second was put forward in September by a pair of trans teens. Their outcome is still pending as of the time of this writing.

  • Your anti-discrimination policy is bullshit

    This article is actually in favour of anti-discrimination policies. This is about frustrations around poor implementations.

    Anti-discrimination policies are like degrees from fake universities: they look good on paper but you wouldn’t want people’s lives to depend on just that.

    I have three observations to share:

    • People don’t believe in discrimination they don’t experience
    • Stated differently, the obstacles that they can’t experience aren’t seen as discriminatory
    • Thus the removal of these barriers is deemed unfair, an imposition, and divisive

    These beliefs define the lens through which anti-discrimination policies are conceived and implemented. Hence anti-discrimination policies are in virtually every organization and yet little has changed for women or other disproportionately underrepresented groups.

    One factor I think is that these policies are about accountability in theory, but in practice are tools to absolve organizations of responsibility. They get introduced in discussions about discrimination as a conversational book end, rather than in their absence creating the space for uncomfortable self-reflection. They often require victims to act as agents of organizational change, which is worse than having no such requirements.

    That’s not to say that i think all such policies are worthless. When paired with a lot of unpopular work distributed across the organization, things change. But what I’ve observed is that organisations almost never want to put in that work. They leave it at producing a document and some token gestures. There’s little desire to break some eggs and to be accountable over outcomes.

    So then these policies end up being great sounding statements with no real actions to back them. There’s another word to describe documents like that: bullshit.

  • On advocacy and my privilege

    I carry a lot of privilege. I am a white settler in a country that devalues black and indigenous lives. I am able-bodied in a country that puts barriers for those who are not. I have been perceived as a boy in a country that pushes down girls. I grew up with affluent parents in a country that punishes the children of poor parents. I work as a software developer in an economic system that removes opportunity, diminishes time with close ones, facilitates bad housing situations, denies health care, restricts mobility, and otherwise punishes those in other lines of work. An economic system even more cruel to those without employment. I have been lucky in an environment where that luck is largely determined by privilege.

    I’m also a transgender woman. Men shout at me from cars and mock me from the streets. I’ve been assaulted for being visibly trans after a date. I’ve been yelled at in a change room and outside a washroom. I have been harassed walking on a sidewalk, shopping for clothes, getting my brows done, and attending a concert. My family didn’t support me: my sister refused to use my name and pronouns because it would “confuse” her children while my step-dad also refused telling me it would harm my mom. The Globe & Mail and National Post regularly publish op-eds portraying people like me as threats to children, as have politicians and Canadian television personalities. It’s emotionally draining. A quarter of Canadian men are uncomfortable with a trans person moving next door and about half don’t support access to washrooms and these people get to decide if I get hired. I am afraid to use washrooms especially when there are children there. I am afraid to go to the gym or buy underwear.

    In short, I experience discrimination. But I also came out as pansexual in 2007 and transitioned in 2013. That matters, because while I’ve endured some violence, it is nothing compared to the losses that have been incurred by those before me. Every trans person I know has been penalized for opening up to the world with those losses diminishing as both the age and year in which they came out increased. My privilege has insulated me from much of that violence. The violence they endured like all violence is self-perpetuating, continuing despite a more accepting world. A more accepting world won’t change the cumulative effects of decades of denied opportunities and poverty. A more accepting world won’t remove trauma from undergoing conversion therapy, being homeless, being sexually assaulted doing sex work, or being fired. It won’t remove criminal records.

    But because I experienced discrimination, I thought it was right to take the space created for advocacy in the name of trans people to speak. I gave workshops. I spoke at various events. I lobbied. I participated in a panel on trans health care for a year. I was wrong. I am not sure what is the right amount of space to take, but it is much less than the space I have taken.

    My forebears faced the most violence and fought hard to create a place in this world. Their success in turn created greater room for advocacy. That space has become filled with people such as myself, who mistake our own experiences of discrimination as making us qualified to take that space. We are not. Our voices have been elevated above more marginalized voices by design from a system that always prizes those with most privilege. Meanwhile, the pioneers who created that space to advocate aren’t desired in that space because the privilege they lack makes them unpalatable. I have wondered as to the mechanisms that create the transition from advocating for those most on the edges to elevating those closest to assimilation.

    I suspect, perhaps, ignorance has been the engine of this shift. Increased acceptance reduced the losses for those with more privilege and helped them preserve that privilege. They then did what those with privilege almost always do – take space and elevate that privilege while ignoring those without it.

  • Is it Transphobic?

    Is it Transphobic?

    I launched today, a site to let you know if a movie or television show features any transphobia.

    It was borne out of me getting really tired of watching a show to relax, only to have a character spit out a joke that mocks trans people. It happens regularly.

    “And that lady you European-kissed last night, was actually a gentlemen.” -30 Rock

    I had planned to do this for a while, but the turning point was a few weeks ago when I was watching La Mante (The Mantis). The serial killer who is the namesake of the show turns out to be a trans woman, or rather a horrible caricature of one with some of the most transphobic dialog I’ve ever heard. As in 20% of all representation in television shows since 2002, the trans character was cast as a killer/villain.

    I started reviewing sources to put together a database. I chose to restrict the titles to anything that appeared in IMDB, so that I could then be able to leverage data on IMDB for later data analysis. Then I integrated it into a website, which took me a few days to do. The site was done using NodeJs, React, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, and Google Fonts. You can download the source code for it here.

    If you have any suggestions for titles to add to the database or corrections to existing ones, please do so on the Issues page.

  • Software development observations, ten years in

    Software development observations, ten years in

    I’ve been a professional software developer for ten years. I have picked up on a few things which I thought I’d share.

    People skills

    The most important skill in software development has nothing to do with the code itself. It has to do with how you treat other people.

    This touches everything from the type of comments in a pull request, to whether individuals are faulted for mistakes instead of addressing systemic issues, to a sense of safety to ask questions, to being able to listen to other people’s input, to making sure remote employees don’t feel left out, to how you deal with assholes and sexual harassment.

    Never badmouth others

    Never badmouth people on your team. Never badmouth people on other teams. Never badmouth other teams. You are all on the same side, trying to give the best product to the client.

    Don’t do overtime

    Except on rare occasions. The most important thing in your life is your health and the time you spend with those you love. Those things are fragile. Don’t take them for granted.

    Interview interviewers

    Interviews go both ways. You want to make sure the company is a good fit for you too, not just the other way around. What’s the percentage of women in technical positions? What do they use for testing? How do they do CI?

    Welcome discomfort

    Whatever you know now will become obsolete at a rate that is faster than any other science. Entire stacks change in years. If you want to stay competitive in this job market, you will need to constantly be uncomfortable and learn something new. Play with the stacks used at young and popular start-ups.

    It’s legacy from the start

    Every project you work on will become legacy. Legacy apps often require old tool-chains and are difficult to maintain. This is preventable to a point. I’ve found it helpful to view projects from their inception onward as legacy and keeping tabs on how hard it would be to modernize.

    I’m a big fan of simple, independent, applications with well-defined interfaces. I’m also a fan of avoiding reinventing the wheel.  You want to go with the simplest design with a focus on making it refactorable. Following the advice of books like Clean Code by Robert Martin help tremendously. Prize unremarkable code.

    Technical debt accrues at a pace that is hard to notice day to day. Take metrics to make that more evident, such as line of code per source file limits (with flexibility) and architectural reviews oriented towards cognitive simplicity.

    Old isn’t always worse

    There’s a tendency to want to refactor projects to adopt the latest language, framework, hardware, etc. While it’s important to stay current, it’s equally important to grasp of the benefits of the established tech. Adopting the latest isn’t always the greatest depending on the needs of the project.

    Everything as code

    There should be no manual steps anywhere to get from code to deployment in prod. Your server and networking infrastructure should be code. Your tests should be code. Your embedded environment build process should be code. If you need to follow a guide that involves following a series of steps: that should be automated. Deterministic all the way.

    Check your assumptions

    You will make assumptions for every line of code you write. That’s okay, but it’s also important to sometimes step back and ask yourself if this is an assumption that needs validation.

    If users can, they will

    If users can do a thing, they will do the thing. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense to you to do that. So if you don’t want them to do it, put that in code. This extends to APIs as well.

    Use the tools

    For new developers, learn to use the tools that you hear about. Use an IDE. Use a debugger and learn to set breakpoints. Use a code versioning tool like Git. Implement unit tests. Learn about contemporary software methodologies like Agile and what problems they address. If you’re new, the benefits of these things will likely seem elusive to you and you’re liable to believe that they’re more pain than they’re worth. So trust my words: it’s worth it.