Category: Life

Every other post.

  • Flying blind.

    So the issue of the post-university question mark has perhaps been resolved, in the form of an aereal surveying company.

    With the news of a possible job there, I’ve taken a few drastic changes in my life. For one, I’m moving out of my current place – where I live with two roommates – into a bachelors. I’ve given my roommates a month’s notice, and needless to say, they really aren’t pleased. I’ve also offered to pay an extra month’s worth of rent if they didn’t find a replacement, which I believe to be fair.

    This being said, I haven’t even secured the bachelors yet. I gotta get a move on that. As do I to secure a long-term job, aereal company or not.

    Flying blind boys, flying blind.

  • Rice Tea – Friday Update…

    In keeping with my promise, I’m be releasing an update to the book. Just as I’ll do each and every Friday from here until completion.

    I’ve also created a site where you can grab both the current and earlier edits. See what’s changed in the space of a week, or go back in time to revisit certain segments before they were re-edited.

    You can check out the new revisions-tracking site here:

    …and as usual, you can always download the latest revision here:

  • Rice Tea Front Cover…

    Well, here’s the front cover for the book:

  • var Rice_Tea = H4CK3R5;

    First off, H4CK3R5 has a new name: Rice Tea. It avoids any kind of potential cease and desist letters I might get from a not-too-happy MGM.

    Now last time I talked, I said that I had completed the second revision of the initial draft. In the time since, I’ve tweaked it to my liking. Enough for me to get into writing the true brunt of the project.

    To that extent, I present to you my new plan: each week, I will release on my blog the latest iteration of this project. Every Friday night from now until completion. You’ll then be able to download the book to that point and share your thoughts.

    That said, do keep in mind that I will likely edit older chapters as I go on, for the sake of making sense. Near the end, major revisions may even be made to earlier segments of the book.

    Download the first release here (PDF).

  • H4CK3R5 2nd Rev. Complete…

    So I’ve finished the new revision of the H4CK3R5 plot. It’s 45 pages this time round, a tad longer than the 32 pages of the previous incarnation (or the 6 pages of the original concept.)

    The ending has been completely revamped, but still doesn’t sit well with me. It’s better, but is still of a letdown compared with the earlier half of the plotline. I’ll continue ecking away at it until I’m happy.