Category: Life

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  • GeoTec Conference Aftermath

    Well, this was an interesting one. Seven simultaneous talks throughout the day, keynote speakers, and a solid exhibitor hall. What was lacking were the people. As one representative from Autodesk lamented, “where are the buyers?” And indeed – there were practically more presenters than attendees.

    The talks, however, were very very cool. One of my collegues, who was both very well informed on periglacial processes as well as dealing with a multitude of completely different satellite data sources, did a talk on Martian geomorphology. I saw one guy who discussed the use of LiDAR to determine additional characteristics and extent of trees in a forest environment.

    As for my talk, about seven people showed up. Perhaps three of whom I did not know. It was still early in the day (9:15ish), and the general lack of conference attendees did not help. But it was a decent talk, and I had a great time being there.

    You can download the powerpoint I gave here.

  • New Ottawa 2600 Website…

    Long overdue, I’ve just finished designing the new website for Ottawa 2600. This new edition ought to be more easily Google-indexable than the previous CLI-emulating beast.

    I’ll miss the old website, but this one here is just much more better suited to the type of traffic it gets. Plus, I wrote a quick PHP script that will automatically tell users when the next meeting is taking place, no admin-intervention required.

    Check the new website out here.

    PS. Incidentally, any corrections to the French version of the site would be appreciated.

  • Giving a talk @ GeoTec

    I’ll be giving a talk at the upcoming GeoTec conference happening in Ottawa this June. My presentation will be on “Graphic Assessment of Geospatial Metadata: An Automated Language-Free Approach”, the subject of my undergrad thesis work.

    According to the conference site, GeoTec “provides a unique gathering place for geospatial technology professionals from all disciplines to interact and learn from each other’s experience and knowledge.” It should be interesting to see what’s cooking there.

  • A sad day.

    I learned today of the passing of Steve Cisler. Steve, once working with Apple Computers as a senior scientist, was one of the most fascinating characters I’ve ever met. His credentials were as diverse as his interests, and his generosity and genuine nature really made him stand out amongst his peers.

    Steve is to the left.

    Steve was the one who invited me down to speak at the ZeroOne conference in San Jose, and housed me for the period I was there. During my stay, he also introduced me to the novelties of Silicon Valley, as well as exposed me to truly enlightening perspectives. He was one of a kind, and I will miss him.

  • University. Almost. Done.

    I just finished my last class of university. My exams are already done. I have a field camp in August, reports in October, and that will be it for me – my undergrad complete. No more classes. No more exams.