2005, 2005, 2005. It feels like only last month it was 2005. I look at the stuff I’ve worked on in the past years – skins for Quintessential Player, web design stints, and whatnot – stuff that feels like I only did months ago, but as I look at it all more closely it turns out to be many years ago. I’ve been with a particular forum for six years already. Six years! Oh how time flies.
Now 2008 is upon us. HOPE6 was already a year and a half ago, and the next one is due up soon. Jesus. I often wonder whether this lost track of time has to do with the fact that my time in that period has been absorbed only by a few projects (namely On Piracy and Docks), or whether it’s just one of the drawbacks of getting older.
I remember at the hunting camp I went to a few months ago, a man that was in his early sixties was there. Â He had worked for Bell all his life, and yet, as he explained, his first day there felt like only yesterday.
I don’t want to end up like that. When I’m sixty, I want to feel like my being twenty-two was ages ago. What a scary thought that is, to have life literally dissappear from under you. To have it gone by in the blink of an eye.