Various side projects I’ve undertaken over the years.
Océanne and Tristan Cross the Atlantic (Radio Play)
Released in 2024.
French title: Océanne et Tristan sont dans marde.
A bilingual screenplay about two French-Canadian friends who end up at the center of a new anti-trans moral panic while on a trip to the UK. I produced a radio play out of it.
Watch the radio play adaptation here.

Snowflake (Software)
Released in 2020.
Snowflake is a toy programming language and interpreter. The hardware the language was designed for is in-between a 1970’s microprocessor trainer and a 1980’s pocket computer, with a numeric keypad as input and a 20 character-wide screens as output. Consequently, the language itself resembles something in between machine code and BASIC.
Post with screenshot. Source code.

hexcompare (Software)
Released in 2010. Available in the Ubuntu, Debian, and FreeBSD repositories.
hexcompare is a curses-based CLI tool written in C to visually compare two binary files. I initially made this for a hacker movie I was planning to shoot. It’s since taken off as a legitimate project; the tool is available in the official repositories of FreeBSD, Ubuntu and Debian. It has been used in scientific literature too. Someone made a video of it in action.

Adventure (Software)
Released in 2018.
Adventure is a game engine for interactive fiction. This was my second attempt to make a tool to create interactive fiction. It uses declarative languages to create the stories, and allows for much greater narrative complexity than the earlier Story Creator. Game engine written in JavaScript for NodeJS. Web front-end written using React and Bootstrap.
Post with screenshots. Code on GitHub. Web Front-End for Game Engine. Example story using game engine.

Story Creator (Software)
Released in 2015. I took the official website down after it failed to solicit wider interest.
This was my first effort to create and publish interactive novels. Stories are written in a Markdown derivative and the tool parses it to create a web-based interactive novel. Written using JavaScript.
Post with screenshots and more info. Code on GitHub.

Is it Transphobic? (Software)
Released in 2018. I took the official website down after it failed to solicit wider interest.
Is it Transphobic? is an online database of movies and television shows that are transphobic that I set up in 2018. This came after watching a new television show only to be confronted, yet again, with deeply transphobic content. Having had enough I created this resource. Written in JS using React, Bootstrap, and FontAwesome.
Post with screenshot. Source code.

Arch Play (Software)
Released in 2013. Bitbucket, which hosted the repo, has since purged the project.
A graphical front-end for the pacman package manager I made in 2013 for Arch Linux. Written using C++ & Qt.
Post with screenshots and more info.

Kt (Software)
Released in 2012.
A GUI framework I made in 2012 to create desktop applications with JavaScript. Written using JavaScript. I created this years before Electron and progressive web apps became a thing.
Post with more info. Code on GitHub.

A Zine About Nothing (Zine)
Released in 2019.
A trans playwright experiences writer’s block and muses.
The zine can be downloaded here.

Seeking & Step-Dad (Zine)
Released in 2016.
A zine with two short stories centering a trans woman who is a bit lost in the world, and trying to figure herself out.
The zine can be downloaded here.

Not Trans Enough (Contributor)
Released in 2015.
I contributed to this zine under the name Maëlys LeCastor.

Rice Tea (Novel)
Released in 2009.
A novel I wrote following the exploits of three young hackers. It was a minor commercial success. The full book was released online under a Creative Commons license.
Reviews on GoodReads. Read Book.

On Piracy (Documentary)
Released in 2007.
A documentary I shot and produced that looked at digital piracy in Canada at a time where software, music, and film piracy had gone mainstream. Featuring interviews with the heads of various groups in Canada. The full documentary was released under a Creative Commons license. Mentioned in this Globe & Mail article.

EYNTO Show (Documentary)
Released in 2005.
In my last year as a teenager, I made an hour-long special teaching people basics on network security, among other topics.
Of note, this was shot with a digital camera that could only take 30 second video clips.