A while ago, I used to moderate an online forum. It went by the name of Binary Revolution, and as the name would suggest, it catered to tech enthusiasts. While I no longer moderate these forums, I still attend it on a regular basis. Daily, in fact. It’s a great place.
Anywho, it was my duty to keep the place running smoothly. This mainly meant getting rid of the endless fake accounts generated by spammers, dealing with problem members, etc. I wasn’t alone, I worked with a team of highly dedicated individuals.

There was one day where I issued a warn (a demerit point) to a member that had insulted another on the sole basis of their nationality. This problem member was an American with politically extremist viewpoints, and he had a big problem with Norway. And Canada. And all of Europe, esp. the traitorous “Frenchies.” Yeah, the guy had a few screws loose.
Anyways, he took the demerit point pretty hard. He responded by creating a web page dedicated to hating me (my first hate page.) Though at the time, he didn’t use my real name, but rather the pseudonym I used for the forums. Wonderful, I thought. Months went on, and I thought that was the end of it.
Buuuut nope. As it turns out, he recently updated the page to now include my real name and death threats. I haven’t even interacted with the guy for what must be a year now. Heck, I’m not even staffing the forums anymore. Among certain quotes:
“Julien McArdle … This guy is an idiot and should be murdered.“
“Clubbing Seals: The Murder Julien McArdle“
Seal being my pseudonym. So there I have it – my first death threat. All because some months ago, I sent someone on a website a message requesting that he stop issuing personal threats to another member. Scary. I celebrated this newfound idiocy by drinking a nice, smooth, beer.